Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Eidelweiss Property Owners Association, Inc. (EPOA) was founded by the property owners to provide a liaison with the Commissioners of the Village District of Eidelweiss, within the Town of Madison to improve the quality of life for the residents and property owners according to its By-Laws.
The Village District of Eidelweiss was formed in 1979 for the purpose of providing and maintaining roads, public water supply, and beaches. The VDOE is a municipality, and is funded by taxes and water fees for those houses connected to the water system. The taxes are appropriated at an annual meeting (just like a town meeting). The village employs a full-time highway staff and owns several municipal properties. Click here for more info:
The Village District of Eidelweiss is sanctioned and governed by state laws. A village district may form for the purpose of establishing fire protection, police protection, water supply, and road maintenance, as well as other specialized services. A village district elects officers (Commissioners) to run the operations for which it was formed..
All EPOA events are opened to all property and land owners as well as their guests and membership is not required. However, only paid members can vote at the EPOA Annual Meeting in May.
The mailboxes are post office property and the EPOA and the VDOE have no jurisdiction over them. You can obtain a mailbox from the Madison post office, if your Eidelweiss home is your primary residence. The number of mailboxes is limited and there can be a waiting list. In the interim, you can pay for a box at the post office and cancel it when you get assigned a box in Eidelweiss.
There are 3 ponds and 5 sandy beaches in Eidelweiss. The ponds are The Big Pea, Middle Pea, and Little Pea. The 5 sandy beaches are Thusis Beach, Geneva Beach, Eidelweiss Beach, Pea Porridge Beach, and Boulder Beach.
There are canoe and kayak racks located at each beach. The racks are available, through an annual registration process that begins on April 15th, to all Eidelweiss property owners on a first come, first serve basis. The racks are maintained by volunteers coordinated by the EPOA. You can store your canoe/kayak on each rack between April 1 – November 1. Please do not cram two boats onto one rack.
Please note that demand can be higher than availability. To register for rack use on the VDOE website:
In preparation for the winter, it is important that you retrieve your canoe/kayak by November 1. Any canoes/kayaks left on the racks after November 1 will be taken away and auctioned off..
According to the NH Revised Statutes Annotated (RSA 270:93 and 270:98), no person shall use or operate any powerboat equipped with an internal combustion engine on the open waters of Big Pea Porridge Pond in the towns of Madison and Conway. Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a violation. For more information, please refer to the link below:
The Town Hall of Madison is located at 1923 Village Road, Madison NH 03849
Mailing Address:
Town Hall of Madison
PO Box 248, Madison NH 03849
Phone: 603.367.4332
Hours: Monday – Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm (CLOSED FRIDAYS).
The office is located at 1680 Conway Road, Madison NH, 03849
Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
Phone: 603-367-9022
Mailing address: 1680 Conway Road, Box 1027, Madison NH, 03849
To sign up for news, alerts, meeting minutes, district maps, important phone numbers or to view important information about the Village, click to the VDOE website:
The Madison Transfer Station is located at 219 Boulder Rd (off Conway Rd/Route 113).
For more details and updates, go to
FRIDAY 7 a.m. – noon
SATURDAY 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
SUNDAY 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
MONDAY 7 a.m. – noon
For residents to access the transfer station without a fee, one must have a valid sticker, (biennuial renewal required), on your car. You can obtain a sticker from the Town Hall of Madison (M-Th 8 am – 4 pm) or via mail with a self-addressed stamped envelope. To obtain stickers via mail a photocopy of your vehicle registration(s), the physical address of your Madison property, your phone number and a self-addressed, stamped envelope must be mailed to:
Town of Madison
Attn: Stickers
PO Box 248
Madison, NH 03849
*Household trash (no electronics or large items) and can be dropped off without a sticker at the charge of $5/bag with no charge for properly sorted recyclables.
Yes, you need to obtain a fire permit from Town of Madison Fire & Rescue Department. Seasonal campfires & chiminea fire pits must be inspected by the Fire Warden. Once inspected seasonal permits can be renewed at Town Hall by the PROPERTY OWNER for the next four years and will require re-inspection in year five. For more info about permits and what is required to pass inspection and obtain one, go to:
To call for an inspection and permit: 603-367-4602
The daily fire danger rating may be obtained by calling the Division of Forests & Lands’ wildfire information line (toll free): 1-866-NH-FIRES (866-643-4737).
Leaving behind food scraps can attract bears to the area and make them associate people with food sources. This can lead to dangerous situations for both you and the bears. Bears can become used to humans and therefore less inhibited around them. Residents of the area have been seeing an increase of bear activity on their decks, driveways and yards. Bears are wild, not domesticated animals, and will do what they need to in order to protect themselves and cubs if they perceive a threat. Please help the community and the bears by keeping your outdoor eating areas tidy and trash locked up in bear proof containers. If you visit the beaches, please take your food trash home with you.
If you show proof of ownership of a home in Eidelweiss, you can obtain a Library Card from the Madison Town Library. You can also use the Library in Conway. Both have wonderful staff and programming as well as great collections, both paper and digital!
For more info, go to:
There are two companies in Madison for internet and/or cable:
Spectrum cable and internet:
1498 White Mountain Hwy Ste C-60, North Conway, NH 03860
Fidium Fiber Internet
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